
"My life is taken from me,
though I have done nothing to deserve it;
for there is no action of mine for which I should repent

but one."

"The city has fallen!"

"The caves are alive!"

"The end times are upon us, and they shall never leave."

Welcome to the Epoch.

Four centuries ago, Albiu struck Kameloth a blow so true that it would birth The World Grand anew.

Now that world has come to an end.

The heroes of old abandoned us. The villages were raided, life torn from limb, civilization crumbling to dust. Winters colder than ever before ate the crops down to their roots, disease sweeping through the wind and war washing up upon the shores. Doom approached, and we could do nothing.

Then, it all stopped.

At first, there was chaos. Now, years later, there is only silence.

How many years?

Nobody knows.

Nobody knows a damn thing. Those who do vanish without a trace.

The Kingdom of Albiu remains silent. The Great City of Camlan remains unfound. Our futures remain doomed.

Monsters lurk in the woods. They prey on the weak, and wear down the strong. Soon, there will be none of us left.

Children do not age. Plants do not grow. Yet, our stomachs still rumble.

Nature rejects us.

The old order has fallen.

The world has ended.

But we haven’t given up just yet.